Board game Unique game
tabletop game
tabletop game


family game

About the Game

A fantasy board game where heroes ventur through an unknown land, discovering new places, fighting monsters and gaining power, skills, gold, arms and resources.

This game combines everything you love in a D&D game such as: magic, skills, XP, levels and combat as well as resource management, which takes it to a new, higher level of gaming.

In this board game you will need more than war tactics, you will need to use your turn in the best way possible, in order to reach new places, engage in the proper forms of combat and gain skills and resources.

box board game
fantasy board game

The New Mechanism of the Game

  • This board game offers a great way to build characters using a deck building mechanism, such as in Magic and Dominion.

  • The characters become more powerful as you collect skill cards and items, and by doing so you determine the level of the game.

box board game
fantasy board game

  • Dynamic map – a different experience every time you play the game! Destinations and locations are changed every time you play the game making it more interesting to play again and again. Just like the “Fog of War” in Warcraft, when in the first board game there is a well near the path, in the next game you may find a bar in the same place. You decide where you want to go with your characters best interest in mind. Plan your journey, if you want to go to the wizard or the magic well, where should you go first? As you progress through the map you see more and discover more places by taking chances and traveling even deeper.

Box game
unique board game

  • Morality - You can always decide what you want to be - good or bad and you can always change your mind and decide what is best for your game play. There are some roles where it is good to be bad and in others, it is bad to be good, meaning that you can win if you play the good, bad or both roles.

  • The Dragon – Let’s reveal a big secret: there’s a dragon in this game and the best hero can kill him! We eliminated the scoring part, since counting points is not fun when you want to make progress. Throughout the game you reach places and gain skills and treasures, so the best, fastest, or most fearless hero can face the dragon. If he wins you can see it in the adventure. If he fails, the next best hero can try.

Box game

  • Force of Evil - You are not playing only against your friends, you are also playing against the board and you always have to be alert to the changes happening on the board. As long as the game continues the enemies get stronger and become more vicious. You should kill them when you can, but sometimes you would rather do something else.

Box game
New style board game

The Story Behind the Game

We have been working on this board game for the past three years. After buying and playing more than 500 board games, we focused on the best ones in the market because we wanted to take the best aspects of those games and use them, while removing the less desirable ones, in order to make our game better and a more enjoyable playing experience.
  • In some games you need to wait for your turn and maybe get anxious when your opponent takes so long to play. Instead of fun you experience frustration.
  • Some board games have a limited variation of actions you can make on your turn.

Box game
New style board game

  • What about the time you did something wrong, like losing in a battle and it set you back in the game. Is there any chance for you to win?
  • You didn’t use all your intellectual abilities and you want more.
  • Sitting around the table with your friends, without any interaction, it’s like playing a computer game.
  • How about a game that surprises you and encourages you to make the right decisions.
  • Some board games make you very enthusiastic the first time, even the second time, but the next time you play it was just ok and from playing it again and again it began to gather dust on the shelf - a good game, but lacking the replay effect.

Box game
New style board game

How did we create the best board game that makes you want to play it over an over?? We took all those elements and channeled them into one great board game, with a fantasy theme, a quest and an adventure, life and management, dice and battles. We also added managing and collecting resources, like worker management, collecting skills to build your character with unlimited ways to get there. With new challenges and new game possibilities that transform this into an interesting game you won't want to stop playing.

Box game
New style board game

One of the game’s selling points is it's ability to generate a different arena each time. In other words, even though the surface terrain remains the same – the location of your adversaries and places you can visit constantly, change. This opens up a wide variety of possibilities and new strategies for the player and even awards greater playability to the game, and consequently, contrary to other games, it can be played over and over again.

Box game
New style board game

The Path of a Hero - the Heroic Journey

One rainy night, in a cave by the outskirts of the Land of the Dragon, a group of stranger planned their dangerous journey. Each for his own reason, each with his own opinion, yet untied together in determination to slay the fierce dragon that had been inflicting intimidation and trepidation on its' entire surroundings.

Those intrepid adventurers, anxious to engage in combat, had no idea that their wishes were about to come true! The evil that quietly raises every wretched and despicable creature, had already dispersed its' smoke in the wind, and was ready to inundate the land with a flood of predators.

Box game
New style board game

Those courageous mortals strangers knew that they may possibly get lost in the snow, freeze to death or sink their knees in black blood. However, but this did not stop them and they set off into the darkness with victory glowing in their eyes…

With a twist of fate and against all odds, the heroic path opened and the fierce dragon and all the evil forces were conquered and peace was restored to the land.

Many years later, an innocent traveler turned pale, when he spotted within the shadows of the mountains, the words 'This is Heropath', etched onto a bloody bolder…

Can you survive the path and be a hero? Do you have it in you?

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