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tabletop game


fantasy board game

It was a winter's morning when a band of strangers found themselves in a farmhouse – at the onset of their journey – bordering the Dragon's Land. Each for their own personal motives, each with their own individual views, but still, all gathered and united under the same roof, determined to do whatever it may take to vanquish the dragon that cast fear and awe all over the land…

fantasy board game

In this game, players compete in an arms race against each other and against the forces of evil, which are simultaneously growing in power, crossing and slashing their way in an epic race that takes your magic and abilities to their limits, traveling through vast territories where new places are revealed… some ancient, some enchanted.

fantasy board game

This game combines a fantasy game with a Eurogame, through 3 different, existing mechanisms:

1. CDR - Card draft rotation
2. FOW - Fog of war
3. SOE - Scale of evil

Description: Regarding item 1 - CDR
Regards the accumulation of power and choosing a preferred a game approach. A method of shuffling the cards between all the players before the game begins, to allow every player to collect their preferred tools and methods for their style of play.

Regarding item 1 - FOW
As in the classic computer game Warcraft, where a vast map was displayed to the player, only that thick, black smoke covered all the land, effectively hiding, in earlier stages, the places and enemies that haven’t been revealed yet, and which will materialize as the game gathers momentum.

Regarding item 1 - SOE
In this game, you must manage your steps wisely, because in every moment you advance and gather power in the game, so do your companions advance, who effectively play against you. In this game, you must manage resources with greater efficiency compared to the other participants, but the better you do, you will be surprised to find that the game itself does not sit idly, and that the enemies, in direct proportion to the successes of all players, keeps pace and grows in power all along, while creating harder battle arenas with every passing moment, up until you may miss the station where you could have fought the dragon while it was still weak, but you were too afraid, and therefore defeated.

One of the interesting features included in this game which don’t necessarily represent a mechanism is the interaction feature: In so many games, especially Eurogames, interaction between players is overlooked to the point where players sometimes play an entire game together without almost running into each other. In this game, the interaction bar was raised higher, unlike Eurogames, to a new standard since you may also:

  • Trade between heroes.
  • You may also steal from other heroes.
  • You may even cause direct and indirect damage using accessories and magic.
  • You may even ambush and toss others into the Goblin Prison.

fantasy board game

All those, with you remaining oblivious to the fact that the game itself is simultaneously causing conflict and damage to the participants if only through the blind, serendipitous attempt of the forces of evil, constantly undermining you with one purpose - to defeat you with your own playing method.

So, the best piece of advice for advanced players might be: Be smart enough to improvise a new strategy - a moment before you find that the current one has worn itself out.

fantasy board game

To make it more challenging, or to make it more adventurous, or to make it more strategic, or simply to make this a better game than any other attempt ever made before on this path… This is the Heropath.

This game involves intelligent resource management with efficient movement planning, under the mantle of a fantasy world to also give it a dimension of adventure, the satisfaction of fighting against evil, spiced with a bit of dice risk management to introduce the effect of luck, just like in real life.

fantasy board game

Author’s quote: “This game, like in real life, was created while merging the aspects of good and bad luck, which befall a man in his life despite his attempt to contain order and logic in a campaign, or in fact, how one can take inequality or a lack of fortune, and leverage it down a new path – which is also more favorable to begin with.”

Organize your logistics better than the others, organize your strategies better. Only then you might have a chance to stand against all your fears in one last heroic battle…

fantasy board game
fantasy board game

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